My Writing Process

Overall my writing process is pretty straightforward. Since I’m a film major, the majority of my writing is scripts, so I do a lot of planning for the plot, progression of the storyline and character development before I go and write my first draft. I’m aware a lot of people say to just start writing and let the words flow out but I really don’t see that as a successful way to really get anything done besides loads of unnecessary dialog. Overall my writing process is pretty straightforward. Since I’m a film major, the majority of my writing is scripts, so I do a lot of planning for the plot, progression of the storyline and character development before I go and write my first draft. I’m aware a lot of people say to just start writing and let the words flow out but I really don’t see that as a successful way to really get anything done besides loads of unnecessary dialog.

Not including the ton of writing we all do on social media; when it comes to scripts, essays, or any other assignment I no longer bother to write in a structured, formal way like we were taught in school. After not being in school for four years I threw all that out and when I came back in I just started typing like how I talk. So far it seems to be more successful of an approach too. A big inspiration for me is actually Kurt Vonnegut, and how he just charismatically talks through his writing. I’m not an avid reader and I can’t say I read as much as I should but whenever I have a big chunk of free time I try and read a bit.

Nine times out of ten I don’t bother to re-read what I wrote and fix any grammar or spelling. I suppose it’s pretty lazy but at the same time I feel like by not doing so I no longer associate writing with being tedious. I suppose that’s what editors exist for. So that’s my whole writing process, it makes the actual act of writing take about 20 minutes a page and really leaves the chunk of time and effort put into planning and thinking beforehand. Luckily for an assignment like this I don’t really have to plan so it was something I could just jump into and write.

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