What a Poem is Good For

In my own personal view I think a Poem’s a nice way to get into the emotional perspective of another person in a quick manner. You can read a poem about something or someone not remotely different and find yourself in their shoes. I think the hardest thing about writing a symbolist poem was giving meaning to it. I would say creating the mythology but I think I’m included when you say the whole class failed to actually do that. It definitely would require a strong use of creative muscle to really imagine a whole mythology and then be able to apply it carefully to a single poem and have it still make sense. Relatively speaking I’m not sure how well I did compared to the rest of the class but I imagine my poem’s average.

The Blind Can See

I remember how I used to brush my hair.
I’d be able to spend up to an hour just putting on makeup.
The confidence I would feel just stepping out of the house, knowing I looked stunning. But now I don’t know how I look when I leave the house.

The street I grew up on with those two girls, who I would play with on those summer days. The faces of my family are now foggy, distant memories.
I miss being able to see my mother’s smile,
Or that proud look my father gave me. My sister and the room we shared. Oh how she hated sharing a bunk-bed me.

I still see images and color when I dream. I love the ones where I can still clearly see my parent’s faces and jump into their arms. The ones where I’m still free.
I could walk or drive anywhere. I could’ve seen the whole world.

I now have to slowly make my way out of bed and through my room. I have every corner and floorboard memorized with my feet. The layout of the house like a blueprint of my mind. When I make my way to the fridge, I know where the food is on every shelf. When I leave the house it’s only to go to the same few places. I head to the sidewalk and turn right, heading down 13th to the first intersection. I know every crack in the sidewalk and every pothole in . I make a left across the street north on Walker street.

Then I pass that old Asian deli, and the owner who is always smoking a cigarette outside right around noon. I head to the drugstore where a clerk helps me get the few things I need. I like to get prepared meals from the store, since cooking is just not safe anymore.

When I speak with these people, they no longer see me as a human. Because of this I only have two friends. One of them is also blind. The other is my old college friend who still keeps in touch. There’s no chance I’ll ever get another relationship. I refuse to go to those stupid meetups where two people with disabilities are slapped together. A relationship based around nothing but my handicap. I’m worth more than that. I’ve earned every right to be happy. I’m entitled to the same shot as everyone else.

See me for who I am.


On a desert road a snake sits,
eating it’s own tail.
The driver doesn’t even notice
when he crushes it under his wheel.

Sitting talking with someone you just barely know.
Discussing the past, memories
of our childhoods,
the things that brought us here.

I like to talk about my past.
The things I could’ve said.
Good times I’ve had.
The things that made me who I am today.

A tear falling from an eye,
the black eyeliner melts and forms an Eye of Horus.
We look to the future and hope
things go better.

And finally it’s time to leave this place,
so we get in the car.
Driving to the airport,
Our laughter masks the thud of a bump on the road.

My Writing Process

Overall my writing process is pretty straightforward. Since I’m a film major, the majority of my writing is scripts, so I do a lot of planning for the plot, progression of the storyline and character development before I go and write my first draft. I’m aware a lot of people say to just start writing and let the words flow out but I really don’t see that as a successful way to really get anything done besides loads of unnecessary dialog. Overall my writing process is pretty straightforward. Since I’m a film major, the majority of my writing is scripts, so I do a lot of planning for the plot, progression of the storyline and character development before I go and write my first draft. I’m aware a lot of people say to just start writing and let the words flow out but I really don’t see that as a successful way to really get anything done besides loads of unnecessary dialog.

Not including the ton of writing we all do on social media; when it comes to scripts, essays, or any other assignment I no longer bother to write in a structured, formal way like we were taught in school. After not being in school for four years I threw all that out and when I came back in I just started typing like how I talk. So far it seems to be more successful of an approach too. A big inspiration for me is actually Kurt Vonnegut, and how he just charismatically talks through his writing. I’m not an avid reader and I can’t say I read as much as I should but whenever I have a big chunk of free time I try and read a bit.

Nine times out of ten I don’t bother to re-read what I wrote and fix any grammar or spelling. I suppose it’s pretty lazy but at the same time I feel like by not doing so I no longer associate writing with being tedious. I suppose that’s what editors exist for. So that’s my whole writing process, it makes the actual act of writing take about 20 minutes a page and really leaves the chunk of time and effort put into planning and thinking beforehand. Luckily for an assignment like this I don’t really have to plan so it was something I could just jump into and write.

First Assignment

There’s nothing worse,
Than false accusations.
Especially when they’re from your future wife.
I did not hit her!
It’s not true! It’s bullshit!
I did not hit her! I did not!

But speaking with friends,
Especially good ones,
And they help you look at the good in people.
Oh, hi Mark.
A-ha-ha-ha! What a story, Mark!
I’m so happy I have you as my best friend, and I love Lisa so much.

So in the end we can all learn from Tommy.
If everybody loved each other,
the world would be a better place to live.